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مدونة المماليك البحرية القسم الثقافى

مدونة المماليك البحرية القسم الثقافى
مدونة المماليك البحرية القسم الثقافى - babers for culture


Easy Home Remedies For Minor Burns

Minor Burns
Burn is any injury caused to skin or flesh due to heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation and friction. There are different types of burns according to the severity and according to the cause of the burns. The treatment provided to a victim of a burn depends on the severity and the cause. In the United States, 69% of the burn injuries occur at home or work.  Burn can cause trauma to the affected person and even minor burns can lead to blisters that are painful. Home remedies for minor burns are effective in treating the minor burns.  The main problem caused by burn is infections. Extensive burns may require surgical treatments and large burns can sometime be fatal.

Types Of Burns Based On Causes

  • Heat Burns Or Thermal Burns- These burns are caused by fire, hot objects such as hair curlers or iron box or by hot liquids. The most common heat burns are the scald burn caused by hot liquids in children and in older adults.
  • Chemical Burns – These are caused by contact with any chemicals for household or industrial use. Acids are a main cause for chemical burns.
  • Electrical Burns – contact with any electrical source or lightning can cause electrical burns.
  • Radiation Burns – these burns are caused by sun, sunlamps, tanning booths, X-rays or by radiation used in cancer treatment.
  • Friction Burns- these are caused by friction with any hard surface. Falling on roads, athletic tracks or playing courts can cause both scrape and heat burns.

Types Of Burns Based On Severity

Apart from injuring the skin layers burns can injure body parts like muscles, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, lungs. Depending on the level of damage to skin layers and tissues burn are of four types

First Degree Burns

This is the least serious burns which affect only the outer skin layer. The symptoms of first degree burns are
• The skin becomes red
• There is swelling in the area
• Sometimes there is pain
The first- degree burn is considered as a minor burn. These superficial burns will cause pain and discomfort for 2- 4 days.

Second Degree Burns

In this both epidermis and dermis layers are affected. These burns are classified into two
Superficial partial thickness burns- which extends to superficial dermis
This is characterized by
• Redness along with blisters
• Blisters which blanch with pressure
• Very painful
Deep partial thickness-This extends to the deepest part of the dermis
• Skin color changes to yellow or white
• Blistering
• Causes pressure and discomfort

Third Degree Burns

These burns are also known as full- thickness burns. This will injure all the skin layers and tissues under the skin. These burns usually require medical treatment

Fourth Degree Burns

These burns extend deeper and injure muscles, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels and bones. These burns always require immediate medical treatment.

What Are Minor Burns?

The first – degree burns and second – degree burn which is not larger than 3 inches in diameter is considered as minor burns.  These minor burns respond very well to the home remedies for minor burns. If the burned area is larger or if the burn is on face, groin, buttocks or over an important joint, it has to be considered as a major burn and medical help will be needed.

First Aid For Minor Burns

When burns occur, the person should be given first aid, before starting any treatment. The first aids for minor burns include
• Running cold water over the area of burn for five minutes, if the skin is unbroken
• Keeping a wet towel over the burn to reduce pain
• After flushing with cold water or soaking with cold water, cover the area with a sterile bandage or clean dressing
•  Protect the burn from dust, pressure and friction
• Applying moisturizing lotion after the skin has cooled is also effective in reducing pain

What You Should Avoid?

If you are having minor or major burns, you should not do the following things
• Do not apply butter, ice, cream, or any sprays to relieve the pain, especially if there are major burns.
• Do not disturb the blistered or dead skin
• Do not blow air or cough on the burn
• Do not try to remove the clothing attached to the skin in severe burns
• If there is airways burn, do not give anything to eat

When To Call For Medical Help In The Case Of Burns?

•  If the burn is extensive or more than the size of your palm
• If the person is suffering from  third- degree burns
• If the burn is due to chemicals or electricity
• If the person has inhaled smoke
•  If physical abuse is the reason for burn
• If there are other damages along with burns
• If you are not sure about the seriousness of the burn
You can contact your doctor if the pain due to the minor burns lasts more than two days or if there are signs of infection like increased pain, swelling, pus oozing from the burn, fever etc.

Preventing Burns

It is better to prevent the chances of burns than treating it. You can prevent burns by
• Installing smoke alarms in your home
• Creating awareness among children about fire safety and the hazards of fireworks and matches
• Keep the stove, oven and iron, electrical cords out of reach of children
• Placing fire extinguishers in home, school, industries and in public places
• Know about the fire escape routes at home, work or at school
• Wear cotton dresses while working in the kitchen
• Use fire- resistant clothes while working in industries
Easy Home Remedies For Minor Burns

Home Remedies For Minor Burns

Usually the minor burns will heal on their own after two to three days. Home remedies for minor burns can relive the symptoms and help in faster healing. Here are some of the top remedies for minor burns.

Loose Clothes

You can use loose and comfortable clothing which will not rub onto the burned areas. This will allow air to pass and keep the blisters if any, intact.  There are more chances of infection if the skin on the blisters is removed.

Take Frequent Showers

If the minor burn has affected larger areas take frequent cool showers or baths to relieve the pain and discomfort. If the burn is limited to small areas run water on the particular areas at regular intervals.


This is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for minor burns. Honey helps in healing and it is a disinfectant. So, it prevents infection chances. When applied to the affected area, it draws out the liquids from the area and cleans the burn.  Put honey on gauze and apply it on the burn. If you want to get faster healing, change the gauze 3to 4 times a day. Honey also prevents scarring due to burns.  This is a remedy with scientific backing.


Vinegar has astringent and antiseptic properties which help to prevent infections as well as for healing the burn. Take equal amounts of vinegar and water and mix it. Rinse the burned area with this solution. This solution relaxes the skin tissue and gives relief from pain. You can cover the injured area with a cloth soaked in vinegar solution. Remember to change the cloth every 3- 4 hours.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another important home remedy for burns.  You can use the fresh Aloe Vera gel or the juice. Wash the affected area with cold water or vinegar before applying Aloe Vera on the burn. Cut a piece of Aloe Vera leaf and take out the gel and apply it directly on the burn.  Aloe Vera offers tissue- healing, pain relief and cleansing properties which are necessary for the proper healing of the burns without scars.

Egg White

You can use the egg whites for treating burns at home. Take the white part of one or two eggs according to the size of the affected area. Apply the egg white onto the area and allow it to dry naturally.  You will not feel pain as long as the applied egg white is wet. When the applied white dries up apply fresher egg white on the affected area.  This simple natural treatment can keep you pain free for a few hours after the application. This technique will speed up the healing process.

Baking Soda

This is another simple and easily available option to treat burns and to dissipate the pain. Mix required amount of baking soda with water to make a paste and apply this paste onto the burnt areas in the body. After the mix gets dried, rinse it off and repeat the application.

Lavender Oil

This remedy is one of the oldest remedy for treating minor burns. You can pour the oil directly over the minor burns.  You can expect immediate relief from pain using this remedy. The antiseptic property protects you from any infection. You can also pour the oil onto the gauze or clean cloth and apply it on the burn.  It promotes natural healing of the burn.

Tea Bags

There are different ways of using the tea bags for burn treatment.  One method is to keep 2-3 tea bags under the spout of cold water and applying that liquid. You can also make a mixture using 3-4 tea bags, 2 cups of fresh mint leaves and 4 cups of boiling water and apply it on the burn ball using cotton after the mixture gets cooled.  It is better to opt for black tea as the tannin present in it reduces the pain considerably.

Soy Sauce

There are a lot of people who recommend soy sauce as one of the effective home remedies for burns. It is said to be an ideal pain relief. All you need to do is to apply the soy sauce liberally on the minor burn areas in your body for about half an hour and you will feel the burns to be less painful.

Juices Of Fresh Onions

As most chefs say that onion juice has a lot of healing power. It is found to be quite effective to reduce the pain as well as to prevent the skin from blistering. But, bear in mind that juices from freshly cut onions will only provide you healing from minor burns. The quercetin and sulfur compounds in onion will provide relief from burns and pains.

Plantain Leaves

Plantain leaves are said to be very popular and effective home remedy for burns and has been used to treat minor burns in India for ages. The anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-hemorrhagic properties of plantain leaves are a cure for many diseases. All you need to do is to crush a few plantain leaves and extract the juice from them. You need to apply the juice to the affected area on our body. You can also smash the leaf with a heavy object and then wrap the leaf around the minor burns in your body to soothe the burn pain.

Cold Water

Cold water is one of the most important things that you need to use on your minor burns to cool the area.
• You need to run cold water over the burn area for several minutes. You an also cold compress the affected area for a few minutes.
• This is the first thing that you need to do if you suffer from a minor burn to prevent it from spreading.
• Repeat the process of cold compress or running cold water treatment every couple of hours to alleviate burn pains.
• Always make sure that you do not use ice on the affected burn area as it damages your tissues.

Raw Potato

The raw potatoes have anti irritating and soothing properties and hence can be used to treat minor skin problems. All you need to do is to cut a slice of the potato and rub it on the burn so that the fresh potato juice gets in contact with the burn area. You need to use this home remedy instantly after the burn for effective results.
Have you suffered from a minor burn? Are you finding it difficult to bear the minor burn pains? Then, the above tips will offer you some of the best home remedies for burns that have been tried and tested by a lot of people with burn injuries.


Surprising Reasons You're Gaining Weight

What's With the Weight Gain?
If you started taking in more calories than usual or cutting back on exercise, you wouldn't be surprised if the numbers on the scale crept higher. But what if you're doing everything the same as you always do and your weight still goes up? It's time to delve a little deeper into what else might be going on.

Lack of Sleep
There are two issues at work with sleep and weight gain. The first is intuitive: If you're up late, the odds are greater that you're doing some late-night snacking, which will increase your calorie intake. The other reason involves what's going on biochemically when you're sleep deprived. Changes in hormone levels increase hunger and appetite and also make you feel not as full after eating.

When life's demands get too intense, our bodies go into survival mode: Cortisol, the "stress hormone," is secreted, which causes an increase in appetite. And then of course, we may reach for high-calorie comfort foods in times of stress as well. This combination is a perfect breeding ground for weight gain.

An unfortunate side effect from some antidepressants is weight gain, which may occur in up to 25% of people taking them long-term. Talk to your doctor about switching to another drug if you think your antidepressant is causing weight gain. But realize that some people experience weight gain after beginning drug treatment simply because they're feeling better, which leads to a better appetite. Also, depression itself can cause changes in weight.

Anti-inflammatory steroid medications like prednisone are notorious for causing weight gain. Fluid retention and increased appetite are the main reasons. Although weight gain is common, the severity of this side effect depends on the strength of the dose and length of time on the drug. Some people may also see a redistribution of fat while taking the drug -- to places like the face, back of the neck, or the abdomen.

Drugs That May Cause Weight Gain
Several other prescription drugs have been associated with weight gain. The list includes antipsychotic drugs (used to treat mood disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorders), along with medications to treat migraines, seizures, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Work with your doctor to find a medication that treats your symptoms without disrupting side effects.

Don't Jump to Blame the Pill
Contrary to popular belief, there is lack of evidence that combination birth control pills (estrogen and progestin) cause lasting weight gain. It is thought that some women taking the combination pill may experience some weight gain related to fluid retention, but this is usually short-term. If you're still concerned about possible weight gain, talk to your health care provider.

If your thyroid (the butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck) is not making enough thyroid hormone, you're probably feeling tired, weak, cold, and gaining weight. Without enough thyroid hormone, the metabolism slows, making weight gain more likely. Even a thyroid functioning at the lower end of the normal range might cause weight gain. Treating hypothyroidism with medication may reverse some of the weight gain.

Don't Blame Menopause
Don't blame menopause and the loss of estrogen for your midlife weight gain. These may occur around the same time, during your 40s or 50s, but changing hormone levels probably aren't the cause. Aging slows the metabolism, so you burn fewer calories, and changes in lifestyle (such as exercising less) play a role. But where you gain weight may be related to menopause, with fat accumulating around your waist, not your hips and thighs.

Cushing's Syndrome
Weight gain is a common symptom of Cushing's syndrome, a condition in which you are exposed to too much of the hormone cortisol, which in turn causes weight gain and other abnormalities. Cushing's syndrome can occur if you take steroids for asthma, arthritis, or lupus. It can also occur when your adrenal glands produce too much of the hormone, or be related to a tumor. The weight gain may be most prominent around the face, neck or upper back, or waist.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a common hormonal problem in women of childbearing age. Most women with PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. The condition leads to hormone imbalances that affect a woman's menstrual cycle and can lead to excessive body hair and acne. Women with this condition are resistant to insulin, which may cause weight gain. The weight tends to collect around the abdomen, putting women at greater risk for heart disease.

Quitting Smoking
On average, people who stop smoking gain less than 10 pounds. Why? Because without nicotine you may:
*Feel hungrier and eat more (this feeling should go away after several weeks)
*Experience a decrease in your metabolism, without reducing your calorie intake
*Find food tastes better, which may lead to overeating
*Eat more high-fat, high-sugar snacks and drink more alcohol

Rule 1: If You Do Gain Weight ...
Don't stop taking any medications without first consulting your doctor. Recognize the importance of the drug you're taking. It may be critical to your health.

Rule 2: If You Do Gain Weight ...
Don't compare yourself to other people taking the same drug. Not all people experience the same side effects on the same drug. Even if one drug caused someone else to lose weight, the same might not be true for you. Consult your doctor

Rule 3: If You Do Gain Weight ...
Don't freak out if the weight gain is just from water retention, which is not permanent weight or fat. Once you've finished taking the drug or gotten the medical condition under control, the puffiness from fluid retention may subside. Stick to a lower-sodium diet in the meantime.

Rule 4: If You Do Gain Weight ...
Check with your doctor about another drug you can take. In most cases, your doctor can switch you to another medication that might not have the same side effects.

Rule 5: If You Do Gain Weight ...
Learn if the weight gain is from a decrease in metabolism -- from either a medical condition or medication. And if so, take the time to participate in metabolism-raising activities. Get moving

Ways to Burn Fat 9

Everyone's metabolism naturally slows down with age. At 40, you could be burning 100 to 300 
fewer calories a day than you did at 30, says Pamela M. Peeke, M.D., author of Body for Life for Women and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. That can translate into a 10-25-pound weight gain in a year. But you can counteract that slowdown and boost your body's fat-burning capabilities by making just a few tweaks to your daily routine. The following strategies will help you bust out of a weight-loss plateau and burn even more fat.

:Take five

Do five minutes of exercise each morning. We all have a metabolic thermostat, called the 
metastat, that can be turned up or down, and morning is the best time to activate it. Each day, your metastat is waiting for signals to rev up, so the more signals you can send it, the better. Your best bet is a light, full-body activity like walking orpush-ups.

:Fuel up in the morning

Numerous studies have found that regular breakfast eaters are often leaner than breakfast skippers. "Your metabolism naturally slows at night, but you can jump-start it in the morning by eating breakfast," says Tammy Lakatos Shames, R.D., C.D.N., co-author of Fire Up Your Metabolism. And because both your activity level and metabolism decrease later in the day, it's a good idea to make breakfast or lunch your largest meal.

:Fill up on good grains

Whole grains such as brown rice, wheat germ, dark bread, whole-grain cereal, oatmeal and bran leave you feeling full because they take longer to digest than simple carbohydrates. In a study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School evaluated the dietary intake of more than 74,000 women for 12 years. Overall, women who regularly ate the most whole-grain foods — about 1.5 servings a day — gained less weight than women who ate the least.

:Pump yourself up

Muscle burns more calories than fat does, and decreased muscle mass can be one of the main 
reasons metabolism slows. Disuse can cause women to drop as much as 10 pounds of muscle between the ages of 30 and 50. Losing that much muscle means you'll burn 350 to 500 fewer calories a day. To build and maintain muscle mass, aim for two to three strength-training workouts a week. If you don't belong to a gym, try push-ups, squats, abdominal crunches and tricep dips off a chair.

:Power on with protein 

Add a little high-quality, lowfat protein, such as chicken, fish and egg whites, to your meals, and you'll help your body burn fat faster. "Because protein requires more energy to digest, it speeds up your metabolism, and protein is necessary to ensure against loss of muscle tissue," says Michael Thurmond, author of 6 Day Body Makeover.

:Get your vitamin "I"

That's "I" for intensity. You love to walk, but if that usually means strolling along at a snail's pace, your waistline will pay little attention. Instead, put intensity, or "vitamin I," into your stride. Pick up your pace so you're walking at 4 mph, or one mile per 15 minutes. Once you build up your cardiovascular fitness level, you can even alternate between walking and jogging. The key is to get your heart rate up and keep your workouts challenging.

:Say yes to yogurt

In a recent study from the International Journal of Obesity, women who ate three daily servings of lowfat yogurt lost 60 percent more fat than women who didn't. In another study, participants who ate three daily servings of dairy lost more than twice as much fat as those who ate less than that. "Calcium-rich diets reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase enzymes that break down fat," says Michael B. Zemel, Ph.D., lead author of both studies and director of the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Eat three servings of lowfat dairy a day, like milk, yogurt and hard cheeses (Gouda, Cheddar and Monterey Jack).

:Get active after eating

Your body's metabolic rate increases 10 percent after eating, and just a few minutes of activity could double that boost for up to three hours. Within 15 to 30 minutes of eating a snack or meal, do five or 10 minutes of light activity. Take the dog for a walk, climb stairs in your house or do some basic strength exercises.

:Sip green tea

You might love your lattes, but if you switch to green tea, not only will you get a healthy dose of disease-fighting compounds, you'll also cut body fat. In a study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who drank a bottle of tea fortified with green tea extract every day for three months lost more body fat than people who drank black tea. Researchers at a health care lab in Tokyo believe disease-fighting antioxidants called catechins in green tea may help decrease body fat.


Do you feel like you are in an endless struggle to drop your dress size or squeeze into that sexy date night dress? Are you perplexed that your consistent diet and exercise efforts have yielded less than optimal results? You may think you are doing all the right things but it's possible that the diet and fitness protocol you are following is actually preventing you from reaching your goal weight and getting the body you want. Read on for the 10 most common diet mistakes that prevent women from losing weight 

1. Dieting Without Resistance Training
What is the most common way women approach weight loss? Crash dieting. If crash diets worked, all women would be healthy and fit.

There are two huge problems with crash dieting. One, a lot of the weight lost is muscle tissue. That means that even if you weigh less and fit into smaller sizes of clothing, you are still flabby.

The second problem is even worse. Dieting slows down your metabolism. The longer you diet and the less you eat, the slower your metabolism. Muscle is your body's metabolism - when you lose it, you reduce your metabolic capacity.

When you eventually get off the diet - and you will get off - you are bound to gain all the weight back in the form of fat. Worse, you will likely end up gaining more weight than you lost.

2. Focusing On The Scale
What do you see in the mirror and what does the world see at the beach? Do they see the way your body looks or the number that shows up on the scale? Most women focus on the number on the scale even though it isn't always representative of the way they really look.

If you exercise properly, you will build muscle and lose fat at the same time. If you lose five pounds of fat and build five pounds of muscle, the scale won't move, but you will look much better in the mirror and your clothes will fit much better because muscle is more dense and takes up less room than fat. The truth is, how you look and feel has little to do with how much you actually weigh.

3. Focusing On Cardio
When you do decide to do some form of exercise, is it invariably some form of cardio? Well, guess what? Cardio is the least important form of exercise for getting a sexy shapely body.

The key to getting and keeping a great body is to increase your metabolism. In other words, you need to focus on activities that not only burn calories during the workout, but also cause you to burn calories for hours and days after your workout. Doing metabolic resistance training and interval training are more effective than cardio-only exercise in boosting your metabolic rate.

4. Skipping Breakfast
You've heard it before. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But did anyone ever tell you why?

When you wake up in the morning, you have been fasting for eight or so hours. Your body is starving for nutrients. When you don't give it any, it starts breaking down muscle for energy. This is bad because your muscle is your metabolism. So you are literally destroying your body's ability to burn calories.

Studies have also shown that if you eat a balanced healthy breakfast, you are much less likely to overeat later in the day. And when you start your day with a healthy meal, you are more likely to make good nutrition choices from that point forward.

5. Relying on Pills
Diet pills are another common approach that women take to lose weight. There are many different categories of diet pills, but few to none of them actually work. The only time you see women who have gotten in great shape thanks to a diet pill is on the advertisement for the diet pill. A natural, common sense approach is the most effective, safest, and longest-lasting strategy to losing weight.

6. Eating Too Little
Eating three square meals is just the bare minimum for a healthy and fit body. You should be eating three meals and at least two healthy snacks each day.

Most women eat too little. They skip or skimp on breakfast and then often do the same with lunch. This leaves you running on fumes all day. By the time dinner comes around, you are ravenous and likely to overeat.

You end up having your heaviest meal at the end of the day when there is little opportunity to burn off the calories. This is the perfect recipe for gaining fat.

7. Eating Out Too Much
If your busy schedule or desire for convenience has you eating out most of the time, you have little to no control over the foods you eat. And simply put, you have little to no control over what you look like and how you feel.

If you want to look and feel your best, you need to start cooking. This doesn't mean you spend hours cooking gourmet meals - it meals finding a delicious variety of recipes that you can put together in cinch. And before you eat out, learn about the common pitfalls of restaurant dining and how to avoid them.

8. Emotional Eating
Food can evoke both good and bad emotions and it is also a go-to when women feel anxious, depressed, angry, sad, or even elated. Women experience a variety of psychological attachments to different foods.

Sweets are often in this category. If you are like most women, all forms of sweets serve as comfort food. If you turn to food when you are stressed, you are letting your emotions control what your eat and how much you eat.

If you are going to get the body you deserve, you need to find a way to break this emotional attachment to food.

9. Lack of Consistency
Do you remember what happened last January? Wasn't this the year you were going to lose weight and get that sexy body?

Chances are, you were good for a short while. But then you started skipping workouts or breakfast, and by February, your New Year's resolutions were just a distant memory. Maybe you'll try again, but the same thing is likely to happen.

By now, you have learned that without consistency there will be no results. This means making resolutions and sticking to them.

10. Not Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep is an often overlooked factor. If you are doing everything right, but still can't lose the fat, take a look at your sleeping patterns.

Are you getting to bed at a reasonable hour? Do you sleep at least eight hours a night? Stress in and of itself compounded by too few hours of shut-eye result in an elevation of the stress hormone cortisol. Chronically high levels of cortisol can make losing fat very difficult and can even cause you to gain fat.

If you are dieting and exercising and still not seeing the body you want, make sure you aren't making one or more of these 10 common dieting mistakes. Commit to correcting one a week and you will get that sexy shape you deserve in no time.


Advantages Of Drinking Water In The Morning

1- Helps with weight loss. Drinking at least 16 ounces of chilled water can boost your metabolism by 24% in the morning

2- Glowing Skin. Ok guys…’Clear Skin’…
Water helps to purge toxins from the blood which help keeps your skin glowing and clear

3- Balances your Lymph System. These glands help you perform your daily functions, balance your body fluids, and fight infection.

4- Drinking water on an empty stomach purifies the colon, making it easier to absorb nutrients

5- Increases the production of new blood and muscle cells

Amazing Health Benefits Of Soursop

Soursop is also known as graviola and it is a large and spiny green fruit which is tropical in nature. It has a sweet flesh that is used in the making of many ice creams, sweet foods and different kinds of beverages in South America. Besides it being used as food, there are many natural compounds in it which makes it valued as a medicinal fruit as well. There are many benefits that it provides for the human health. The graviola tree produces the sweet soursop fruit which is also known as custard apple or paw paw in many countries as well as guanabana in Spanish speaking countries. The outer rind of the fruit is quite bitter but the inside fruit flesh is soft, smooth and very sweet. Carbohydrate is the major nutrient in this fruit. The other beneficial nutrients that it contains are vitamins C and B complex as well as niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, iron, phosphorous and calcium.

To Be Eaten As A Beneficial Fruit

This fruit is not only known for its treatment for ulcers, rheumatism, and eczema but also for liver diseases and cancer. It has a high amount of carbohydrates which is of the reducing sugar form of fructose and glucose. There is very little fat in it and the sour taste of the fruit is due to the inclusion of non volatile organic acids like citric acid, isocitrate acid and malic acid.
  • Vitamin C is the main dominant vitamin to be found in this fruit which more than meets the daily requirements of a person. Thus, it acts as an excellent source of antioxidant which can help to boost the immune system and help the old to stay young.
  • Minerals like phosphorous and calcium are found in this fruit to appreciable extent which makes it good for forming strong bones and preventing osteoporosis in women.
  • The fruit is a fiber rich fruit and will help to meet the dietary requirements of fiber in a healthy individual.
  • The fruit is known to contain photochemical compounds which offer a range of benefits like treatment for gallstones, uric acid and to increase appetite. One can avail of the fruit flesh or in the form of fruit juice as well for clearing the digestive system and to maintain its health.

Cancer Killing Properties

Studies have shown that the graviola leaf can kill cancer cells that are found in lungs, pancreas and prostate. The benefits of its cancer killing properties are elicited here:
  • It can attack the cancer cells and work on them without causing weight loss, hair loss or nausea as in chemo therapy
  • The immune system is protected and deadly infections can be warded off
  • The energy levels increase and so does the physical appearance
  • The extract of the plant’s leaf can be used to kill bad cells of different cancer types such as breast colon, pancreas, prostate and lung
  • The power in the extract is ten thousand times more in slowing down the growth of the cancer cells as compared to the drugs used in chemo therapy
  • The juice will selectively hunt down and kill the cancer cells and not healthy cells unlike in chemo therapy.

Medicinal Benefits Of Soursop Leaves And Fruit

  • Toward the treatment of cancer, one needs to boil ten leaves of the plant in three cups of water till it is reduced to the amount for one cup. This should be drunk at least two times per day for two weeks, the leaves and their extract works similar to chemotherapy and far more potent; it addresses the cancer cells alone and allows the rest of the cells to grow normally.
  • If one suffers from joint pain, one can boil 20 leaves of the plant in five cups of water to get three cups of the concentrated juice. Three fourth of a cup needs to be drunk per day.
  • When infants suffer from diarrhea, the ripe soursop fruit can be taken. The fruit should be squeezed and filtered in water. This should be fed to the infants in two or three tablespoons.
  • If one is suffering from hemorrhoid, one needs to take the ripe soursop fruit. The juice needs to be squeezed out and one cup of the juice should be drunk twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon.
The benefits of the Soursop fruit and the plant leaves are numerous. From helping boils to come down to easing urine bladder pain, liver disease and eczema, the plant is invaluable for the locals who enjoy its fruits and its various medicinal properties.
Wondering where you will get to have soursop fruit? Tropical countries have it grown locally while other countries get it imported from other places. This is one fruit that will certainly help your health in many ways.

Top 10 Foods To Improve Bone Strength

The entire structure of our body is due to the bones hence there is a need to maintain their propel health apart from which these bones are known to provide protection to the body organs. For the body to maintain proper posture it is necessary that the bones need proper strength also they have to remain healthy to withstand any problems.

For those who plan to increase their bone strength is suggested to consume foods which have some important nutrients like Phosphorus, beta-carotene, Magnesium, Calcium, Minerals, proteins, Vitamins and fiber. There is a huge list of foods which are known to help in strengthening of bones and keeping them healthy along with which they are known to help in lessening any risk of joint pains, arthritis and several other problems.

For those who want to retain strength in bones will have to carefully plan each part of their diet for which it is also necessary to eat right food which will help in building better bone mass and density irrespective of the age.

We have come up with the top 10 such foods which are known to have all the necessary nutrients and increase bone strength:

Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and protein present in this fatty fish are known to help in boosting bone health also both Omega-e and Vitamin D in this type of fatty fish is known to help the body in absorbing calcium. Including salmon in daily diet is known to help bone density and accumulation apart from this it is also known to be good for heart health. There are various methods in which this fish can be prepared for consumption which includes grilled, baked or poached methods also making it part of various other dishes.

This undoubtedly is one such food in which calcium can be found in abundance but this does not restrict it from only consisting one nutrient instead is supported by several other nutrients which are Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamins A, D and B12 along with Phosphorus and Riboflavin which are known to play key role in maintaining bone health. For an adult it is suggested to go with two glasses of milk on daily basis but kids and teenagers should drink even more milk which can be chosen from among skimmed, low fat and whole milk. Those who find milk taste annoying can mix it with other ingredients to make smoothie.

Cheese being a product of milk has rich presence of nutrients like Calcium, vitamins A, D, B12, Riboflavin, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Protein all of which are necessary to maintain bones strength. Those who are sensitive to lactose in milk can choose cheese instead of it since they are known to have lesser lactose content and regular consumption of this cheese in smaller amounts is known to help the body with healthy bones. There are several varients of Cheese available in the market include Swiss, Goat Cheese, Cottage cheese, Parmesan, Mozzarella, Swiss and Cheddar cheese.

In order to fulfill the requirement of our body for calcium it is said that only one cup of yogurt is sufficient apart from which it also has Vitamins A, D, B12, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Protein and Riboflavin. For stronger bones it is suggested to not go with Greek Yogurt since they have higher protein content but have lesser calcium and Vitamin D when compared to traditional yogurts.

Sesame Seeds:
They are available throughout the year hence it is easy to include them in diet due to their nutty taste and nutrients include Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin K. Suggested quantity of these sesame seeds is one fourth cup which can be taken either in dried or roasted form also they can be sprinkled over vegetables or even made to be part of salads. If the seeds are not tasty enough to tingle your taste buds they can be made into butter which when accompanied with flaxseeds work wonders for the body.

Collard Greens:
Sufficient amount of calcium present in these green vegetables supported by Omega-3 fatty acids, Magnesium and Vitamin K are known to help in bone strengthening at the same time they are known to fight against cancer, diabetes and bacteria. One cup of this cooked greens are sufficient to fill one fourth of the calcium requirement by body and best method to consume these greens is to steam them with fresh onion and garlic and can also be consumed in soup and salad forms.

This is one of the vegetables which are easily found to have higher presence of calcium along with Iron, Fiber, Magnesium, Potassium and Vitamin A, C. One cup of cooked spinach is sufficient to provide sufficient calcium to the body, this vegetable can be eaten in any form as per each individual’s taste additionally it also makes great addition to salads and sandwiches. For better bone health it can be supported by other foods like Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Kale.

White Beans:
Sufficient amount of calcium, Fiber, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus and fat free protein are available in these white beans which are necessary to add strength to the bones. Healthy strong bones can be developed by including one cup of these cooked beans in diet daily, which can be taken in any form like salads, soups, casseroles or baked.

Healthy and strong bones can be attained by isoflavones which is known to plant based chemical along with calcium, half cup of this tofu is known to have 800 milligrams of calcium. To meet the calcium requirement of body it is suggested to go with soy products and tofu on daily basis. Also tofu is most chosen by those who are allergic to lactose present in milk, also making it best choice for bones which can be taken in any form that is either plain or cooked one.

one other source of calcium and Vitamin is sardines which have equal quantity of calcium and Vitamin D quite like milk and other dairy products. Best way to enjoy sardines is to eat it from can which can be added to pizza, mashed dish or in salads also for their perishable nature. Sardines are known to have sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12 and Phosphorus, these fishes are also known to be found in fresh form making it easy to use in salads and sauces.

In order to benefit the body from getting calcium it is suggested to eat salt and ensure exposure of body to sun to get sufficient amount of Vitamin D also helping in taking part in active physical activity.

 Source: dailymedicalinfo

Top 10 Foods To Cleanse Colon

Top 10 Foods To Cleanse Colon
It is known that colon cleansing helps to improve the overall health as well as wellness levels of the body. It may even reduce the risk for colon cancer. The main benefits of colon cleansing are mentioned below.
  1. Improving the digestive system – When the colon is cleansed, it pushes out the undigested waste from the system and improves digestion.
  2. Helps in prevention of constipation – Constipation is chronic and can cause a sluggish response in digestion which in turn leaves the wastes in the system for a longer time.
  3. Increase of energy – When toxins are released from the body one feels rejuvenated as energy is refocused from forcing wastes through the intestines and from other parts of the body.
  4. Increasing the absorption of vitamins and nutrients – When the colon is detoxified, it allows the essential nutrients to be filtered into the bloodstream.
  5. Improving concentration – When one has ineffective vitamin absorption and a poor diet they are often distracted and lose their concentration.
  6. Kick-starts weight loss – With the help of colon cleansing weight loss is aided greatly and one can lose upto 20 pounds in a month.
  7. Colon cancer risks are decreased – Most of the toxins we eat, breathe in or drink are absorbed and processed by the gastrointestinal system including the liver. They need to be forced out from the colon and the liver as quickly as possible or the body system is affected.
  8. Fertility increase – When one increases their fiber intake and healthy food diet, colon cleansing is done more regularly and that helps to rid the body of unwanted toxins and chemicals which can affect the health of the sperm and the egg.
  9. PH balance is maintained – Food that block out the colon is acid forming and that throws the pH levels out of balance.
  10. Improving the feeling of well being – When the colon is rid of toxins and wastes that in turn leads to strength, a feeling of lightness and a general feel good factor.
Colon cleansing is important for the system as well as for the skin. When the impurities are removed from the body it enhances the beauty of the outer skin. When the colon does not function properly, one may suffer from different digestive problems and ailments. Food that consists of fiber and are soluble will aid in digestion and to fight constipation. The colon cleansing food items need to be added to one’s diet.

Top ten foods that help to cleanse the colon are:

1.    Lemon

Citrus fruits like lemon are good for cleansing the system. A glass of lemon juice every morning will help to detoxify and cleanse the system.

2.    Spinach

Consuming green leafy vegetables like spinach will help to clean the colon and protect the digestive tract from different ailments.

3.    Broccoli Sprouts

These are known to be beneficial for cleansing the liver and aiding in digestion along with cleansing the colon.

4.    Fruit Juices

One needs to make fruit juices a part of their daily diet as it helps in cleansing the colon with their rich content of fiber, enzyme and cleansing salts.

5.    Garlic

This spice is not only heart healthy but this pungent ingredient in most dishes is beneficial for cleansing the colon.

6.    Fish

Unlike animal meat, fish meat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other essential oils that help to cleanse the system and improve digestion.

7.    Avocado

This beneficial fruit is rich in omega-3 fatty acid and oils that help to lubricate the walls of the intestines. That in turn prevents the toxins from sticking to the walls and they get flushed out.

8.    Whole Grains

Whole grain food items like bread, pasta and flour are rich in fiber, low in calories and cholesterol. They enable colon cleaning and aid in better digestion.
Lentils and kidney beans are known to aid digestion and cleanse the colon for which they need to be made part of one’s diet.

10.    Green Tea

If you wish to detox your liver as well as lose weight, you need to consume green tea.